My mother slept in one of the guest bedrooms, the morning waa filled with lots of laughter and love, topped it off with the little feet running around the entire house.
For what felt like forever, yesterday I slept peacefully on top of Shawn’s arms.
Everything felt like it was coming together, never have I been so peaceful in my entirely life.
I smiled as I looked at the morning paper, Ndumiso’s death was in every newspaper from big to small and was also in every news channel.
Some paid tribute to him, some spoke out about how a cruel man he was, hiding behind his fancy suits.
I placed the paper back on the counter and went to help my mother places the dishes on the table.
“Thank you for allowing me to be here with you guys.” My mother said as she placed the plate filled with bacon on the table.
I smiled as I hugged her from the side “Let’s forget about the past, the past is the past. Let us focus on the now.” She nodded as she went to fetch the kids.
I smiled as Shawn walked in, I was practically blushing like I was seeing him for the first time.
I hugged his waist and looked up at him and smiled “Hi.”
“Hi.” He said ashe brushed my cheek and placed a quick kiss on my lips.
Shawn took the head of the table and I was there by his side.
The table was filled with loads of laughter, this was what happiness felt like. This was my fairytale I thought. I looked at Shawn as I took a bite off my toasted bread and found him already looking at me.
He smiled as he held my hand underneath the table I love you his lips read. I smiled as I also mouthed I love you too.
There was nothing more I could wish for, this right here felt like a movie scene from those romantic movies. It was a perfect scene.
A lot has happened, I have been through a lot of things but all that meant nothing when compared to this moment right now.
My heart was filled so much joy, and I was happy. Happy that we were no longer going to run, happy that I finally had my family together in one room.
I was happy.