My heart was torn into million pieces, everything was not making sense it was not even 72 hours but a lot has happened.
No so long ago we were so happy I had Shawn in my life, he was my rock and everything changed so fast that I don’t even know what happened or how we even gotten here.
In just a blink of an eye I was now a widow, and my kids were now left fatherless. How will I even tell them that he was gone and no longer coming back for good?
That the only thing we were left of him were his photos and memories that we had all shared together.
I found myself parking the car at the side of my house, there were police tapes all around my house more tears came as I saw the broken windows, the many bullets on the floor and blood, lots and lots of blood.
I started the car and drove off far away from that house that held too many horrific memories.
I entered Simon’s drive through only to find him waiting outside.