“You are lucky.” The doctor said as he placed the bullet on a plate and removed his gloves “The bullet missed the important organs, you’ll be okay.”
He nodded as he closed his briefcase “You should stay out of trouble my friend.” Doctor Stevens has been my doctor for as long as I can remember and has been a very good friend over the years.
I slowly brought myself in a sitting position ignoring the sharp pain at the abdomen. “I will steer clear from trouble when I have my baby girl with me, calling me dad and not another man.
The doctor handed me the pain killers “Make sure that you take them, if the stitches tear call me.” He said as he found his way out.
I turned to face Marco, I was glad that he was here by my side which to me shows loyalty. “I want you to go and find out if Shawn is dead and if he is not make sure that you end him.”
I was tired of having him around if I can’t have my baby then no one else can and that specifically directed to Shawn.