
It was already dark outside when we parked the car. With no encouragement needed the guys went gun blazing only to be met with Shawn’s man but my guys did not back down. Those who ran I personally put a bullet on their back, I despise people who are cowards.

I walked inside the yard and rounded the corner to the other side of the house only to met by Shawn with his gun already pointed “Where’s my princess Shawn?”

“Do you really think I’ll answer that?”

I took out my gun and also pointed at his direction “I don’t want to kill you Shawn.”

“Oh but I do.” He said as he fired the gun the same time that I did at the same time we both went down.

I touched my stomach and saw blood oozing out. I dragged myself in a sitting position and ripped out my shirt and nicely tied it around my stomach to stop the blood from coming. I looked at Shawn unmoving still laying there on top of his blood.

“Boss, we have to go.” Marco said. He did not have to tell me twice, at the far distance I could hear the police sirens. Marco helped me up and hurried me over to the car glad to see that some of my man were still alive.

As for Shawn I was never sure if he as indeed dead but seeing him lying there not moving was what brought me happiness.

Marco started the car befor the police could even get here and sped off. It was only a matter of time to be reunited with my child again.