
“I’ll go there first.” I say as I get inside the car “If things goes South then we’ll go in gun blazing okay?” They all nodded in agreement.

I drove off knowing that one car full of my guys who were going to fire their guns at my command.

There was this excitement of going to see my baby girl again. Never have I been this nervous before. I wiped my sweaty hands on my trouser and took a deep breath as I looked at the house that Naledi was in.

I thought this will be all simple but it was much harder than I thought. Will she even recognise me? It has beeb so long.

I gathered up the strength and went and pressed the intercom.

“Ndumiso.” Sindie’s voice sounded on the other side. I looked around for the cameras but could not find any. “I’m happy to see my child, she still is my baby.”

Silence was all that responded me back. Without no response the gate opened. I walked inside only to be met by Shawn and Sindie with Naledi in between and another kid that was playing with a car.

With Sindie not taking eyes off me “Naledi.” She said and slowly looked down at Naledi “Go say hi.”

With hesitancy she slowly came and stood too feets away. I went down so that I can be height abd smiled ahe has to be remembering me now. “Hi.” I say softly. Naledi looks at me and hugs her stuffed up bunny tightly “Hello.” She said. As soon asI heard her voice jooy over came me. “I opened up hand.” She came over and held it with her little hand “Do you know me?” She took back her hand and shook her head. “I’m dad.”

She ran to Shawn “This is daddy.” I stood up no only filled with rage. I looked both Sindie and Shawn “You not her father.”

“Go Ndumiso, you scaring the child.”

“You have messed with the wrong man. Mark my words.” I said as I stormed out and went straight to the car and banged the steering wheel. My baby girl does not know me, that… That infuriates me even more.