( before I go hunting for kwanele I have to make sure that syamthanda is in a safe place so I’m going to take her to kwamashu but when I arrive Ain the apartment she was no where too be seen I panicked as hell because I knew exactly where she was … 

i tracked kwanele’s phone the location and its in Miami so I took the first flight to Miami but it was kinda suspicious that he would move all the way from Newtown to Miami either he’s really scared of me or I’m falling right into he’s trap either way I’m not going to take that risk with my syamthanda 

Few hours later…
( i tracked his phone into a house so big it qualified as a castle everywhere I turn my head I see bodyguards that are heavily armed so clearly I wasn’t gonna go there Gunz blazing because I don’t stand a chance against them so I have to go in silence and there’s a tree that leads to an open window

 so I climbed it , I still have this uneasy feeling about all of this … in the house it was dark so i took my phone and used the flashlight then I heard some people coming up stairs so I turned off my flashlight , I overheard them talking and it was about my syamthanda that they were going to torture her ayi the savage woke up again …. I punched one of them on the nose but the other one managed to land a knockout punch on my chest but I wasn’t knockout I just went on my knees and he tried to kick on my chest but I held is leg and pulled him down then choked him to death 

i was praying that no one heard us I took there guns and went down stairs silently there he was and he was standing next to syamthanda , I took a shot at his leg a i nailed it you wouldn’t believe that it was my first time using a gun I run down to him and beat him up like a punching bag then choked him to death , syamthanda was unconscious so I have to slap her back to life …

ndu what are you doing here , said syamthanda shocked and glad 

no time to explain let’s go , I responded but the guards from outside heard the gunshot and were waiting for to come when I opened the door multiple gunshot back only one hit me on my leg , I shot the two through the window then we ran to a huge black SUV which for some reason had bags full of money looks like kwanele was planning a get away but God wasn’t on his side so we managed to escape and we were free ….