Makulun : I missed you too much this week end why don’t you come to your grandparent’s home, that we may have time to chat?

Kamiza : I missed you too Makulun I was thinking about you the whole weekend, but why don’t you just come at malamulo that we may enjoy each other’s company?

Makulun : I was a bit busy my deshu(desk mate) but I think of it but it washed itself out of my head sorry.

Kamiza: it’s OK let’s just finish our examination and then I will be there for you my………,,, friend.

Makulun : I get it let’s get ready Mr sadya our agriculture teacher is coming

Kamiza: let us discuss this on lunch I could be happy of course I hard gift for you

Makulun : I will wait for that my Colgate

Prepare that my tooth are ready.

Kamiza :you fool did I say it’s food?

Makulun:so what?

Kamiza:it’s a ki…..,,,,, but let’s talk about it on lunch break