( In the morning…Bella hanging her laundry outside)

MRS FITZ: ( waving) morning Bella, so it’s your day off school today? 😊

BELLA : Hey Mrs Fitz, uh yes it is. That’s the best part about being in college sometimes πŸ˜„.

MRS FITZ: I bet it is πŸ˜‰. Say hi to your Mom and tell her I’ll update her when I come back, she’ll know what I’m talking about.

BELLA: Okay will do. You’re working today?

MRS FITZ: Yep, it’s just for my deadline. I have a lot to do though here at home.

BELLA: (Hhhm) well have a nice day then Mrs Fitz.

MRS FITZ: Alright Bye πŸ‘‹ ( As she heads out the driveway)

(Bella’s phone rings , screen: Loml. As she pick sit up )

MR FITZ: Morning sunshine β˜€ I texted you you but it almost seemed you were kilometers away from your phone until you picked up.

BELLA: 😊 Morning babe, kilometers are a bit much compared to your wife’s distance from me by the way.

MR FITZ: Oh is she there?

BELLA: Nope she just left for work.

MR FITZ: Alright, I heard her pacing up and down about how much she’s got to do today. Actually I wasn’t even paying attention because I was thinking about you.

BELLA: 😚 Now that’s rude, but I can’t complain can’t I?

MR FITZ: Tell that to my heart, so NO you can’t complain babe. Can I come pick you up at 13:00?😊

BELLA: Yep ill be done. So I get to spend the day with you as a practical Assignment for my school? You’re very mischievous Mr Fitz πŸ™ƒ.

MR FITZ: πŸ˜‚ Please stop that. You’re coming as my woman end of story. Call me Devon please And see you At 13:00 babe, I love You.

BELLA: πŸ˜‚ Okay, I love You too see ya Bye!

(Mrs Hayden walking towards her after the call)

MRS HAYDEN: Mhhhm someone is seeing somebody 😍.

BELLA: 😨Mom! Don’t sneak up on me! You scared the shh.

MRS HAYDEN: Language! Young lady. I didn’t tell you to keep a secret boyfriend from me 😍πŸ₯°, now spill the details? Who is he? Where does he live? Is he hot?

BELLA: Oh my god, no mom I’m not doing this with you πŸ™„ can you be any less embarrassing ( As she walks away)

MRS HAYDEN: What’s wrong with getting to know my son in law πŸ˜„πŸ’β€β™€οΈ ( As she yelled alone outside)

BELLA: Bye MomπŸ™„πŸ˜‘.

* Is love worth every risk in life?