Going no where slowly . Getting up is a challenge nno more energy. Always thinking what will happen today. Taking it one day at a time from now on. Im trying hard to stay focus to build my knowledge but really my age is just growing. The clock is ticking and it feels I am still by point a. Maybe I should work even harder then before. I have tried that and it did not work.

Years , months days goes by and when I look back what did I achieve it looks like nothing. Or am I wrong. Am I being to hard on myself. Am I pushing myself to hard. Yes I am to hard on myself. I need to look back fast and see where I started and where I am now.

I will not give up without a fight. I have worked to hard to give up. So many people crossed my path and I love them for being in my life. I worked with so many beautiful people that has great skills. Motivation is what I needed all along. Positivity is my strong point. So why am I confused. No I am not sure what the root cause is but I will figure it out.