Most of the time I’m confused. About how life’s journey takes us. Where are we going. What are we doing. Are we doing the right thing or taking the right decision. Oh all the thoughts in my head everyday. Surely I’m going somewhere slowly but surely getting there. Or that is what I think I believe . Wow easier to just not think Just joking; we have to think so our brains has fuel. Or do I stay confused and frustrate myself. No way I love myself to much.
Give me a book that can tell how things will go tomorrow. Yes I wish no such book. Just me and my thoughts. Taking one day at a time. Working out how and when I’m reaching my set goals.
Getting older and wiser but time flies and never waits for no one. Enjoy your life; don’t overthink to much. Make your life and adventure everyday. You came so far, let’s see what you have to give and build a solid foundation for your achievements. Build with bricks that is strong to hold together no matter the storm. Remember the long road ahead and the goal in sight.