As he walked home, he questioned himself. He wondered how that was not weird. How it was this one of the best moments of his life, and nothing about Nokthula came to mind? This was the first time in a long time Xolani was happy, and Nokthula had nothing to do with it.
Days pass, Bongani was off from work for the day. He decided that he and Nokthula need to go out, get to know each other more. So he suggested that she gets a baby sitter for the night so they can go out and have some fun. Nokthula felt her heart pulsate. “Did he just ask me out on a date? We’ve been married for months and this is the first time he’s asked me out” she thought to herself. She smiled and got her phone. She asked her friend to baby sit for the night. She went and looked for the fanciest dress she could find in her wardrobe, then the letter Mama Mbete gave her dropped near her feet. As she read about Xolani getting stabbed and how keeping his extended family away from him caused it, she sighed and prayed that he is alright and well. She then said, “I can not dwell on the past, Xolani left me behind, and I can’t stay dormant, waiting for him to return. I’m married to a man who hates him, who felt he could do better. Let me give him a chance, he is yet to make up for beating me, but I choose to forgive and move on”. With that she looked for a dress.

Bongani who was waiting in the kitchen was scared. He hoped this could pave a way to new beginnings. Through the hall way he could hear the click clack of heels walking down. The louder the sound got, the more he felt the power and confidence in each step, and Bongani’s nerves swayed like trees in the wind. When the door opened and Nokthula walked towards Bongani, it took a miracle to prevent his jaw from dropping. She was a true master piece, the prettiest girl he’s ever seen. He stuttered as he tried giving her a compliment. She then said, “Dont bite your tongue while you’re at it”. Her smile grew refreshingly. They left the house to a “not too fancy” restaurant, but Bongani made reservations for a romantic settings earlier. They were alone in the place, slow jazz played in the background, a single table, with a red cloth, and fancy candles lit the room. Bongani couldn’t help but shiver. He couldn’t believe this. As he helped her sit down, Nokthula looked him straight into his eyes, flirted with a smile, and said, “Thank you”. That moment alone fulfilled Bongani’s night. For those 6 steps to his side of the table, he actually felt like he could no longer hate, not with a woman like this by his side. They talked about their interests, goals, how they can change things between them. When Bongani realized that she was about to talk about Xolani, he got up, and asked for a dance. He stood up, helped her up and held her close. She was a little short, so she rested her head on Bongani’s shoulder. This was bliss. Nothing in the world was wrong for the both of them. They got lost in the moment and they kissed. It wasn’t a deep kiss, but it sparked something. Nokthula said, “Lets go home”. Bongani felt he messed up somehow, as they walked in silence, Nokthula said, “Once upon a time, I was angry at you. You hated someone I truly loved. Even before I met him I was angry at you because of the way you were. After putting me in stitches, you changed for the better, and you’ve been nicer ever since. You forced yourself to change, and tonight showed me all I needed. As from today, I am truly your wife”. In the darkness, lit up by millions of tiny lights, Nokthula wrapped her arms around his neck, stood on her toes and passionately kissed him. That night was the night everything changed. They started on a fresh new page. And the whole village saw and noticed them. The Nguni family came by to offer their apologies to Bongani and they would like to acknowledge him once more. He declined and said, “the power you had on the people was the reason for my arrogance, father. I could do whatever to whom ever without consequence. Disowning me was the best decision, and I’d like to keep living that way”. As shocked as the elders were, they were happy that the couple was truly inlove.

Days after what happened with Nonala, and Xolani was back to being the happy guy everyone
remembered. Going to work was a dream. He and Nonala had a forbidden love going on and they loved every second of it. Sometimes they would hide behind the machines for sneak kisses, and everyday Xolani walked her home. Though it was official that Nonhle and Nonala are not on Talking terms, everyone could notice Nonala and Xolani’s smiles.

One weekend morning, Xolani woke up, went for his gym session, and he was surprised to find Hlengiwe waiting by the back room door, in her exercising clothes. Xolani held his breath. She has such an amazing figure, he couldn’t help but look. Hlengiwe said, “Today I wanna join in. You might teach me a few things”. As the gym session began, Xolani began to notice that Hlengiwe looked at him with green eyes, her jealousy was too strong to hide. As he got of the bench he asked her, “What’s wrong? Most of the session it looked like you’d hit me with the equipment”, she replied, “Do you really love her? The girl you’re seeing”. “Yes I do” Xolani countered without hesitation. Then he noticed a tear in Nokthula’s eye. She stood up, held his hands and said, “Since the day you got off that bus, you’re the only man I’ve ever thought off. I want a future with you. Maybe I could bare your children. That’s all I’ve ever thought off. And now to think someone else is going to do all of that for you, I can not deal with the thought”, she burst into tears as Xolani hugged her. As much as he tried not to, he felt pity. He knew they were related. And as sexy as she is, he never found her appealing. He felt like he is causing her unnecessary pain. He looked at her with warm eyes and said, “Hlengi. You know I can’t date you. We are family. I can not love you like a lover, but I promise to love you like family”. Her tears burst, she cried her loudest. She has never felt pain like this. The only boy she loves, rejected her. She stormed out the back room and went to her room. When lunch time came, everything felt awkward. Xolani and Hlengiwe avoided all contact, and it was quite visible that something had happened between them. Baba then asked Hlengiwe to help him with the dishes. He asked, “My baby, what is going on with you today?”. She could not respond, she knew she couldn’t tell Bab Mabezela about it, then he said, “Since this young man has lived with us, it has been no secret you love him. He came her looking for refuge, and we gave him that. It’s been very weird since he arrived, so please don’t make things weirder. You both are related, practically siblings. I will not allow an incest relationship in my home”. Baba said this, and noticed she might cry, “You’ll find somebody like him one day. Just you be patient”. She just smiled and continued working on the dishes.

Bab found Xolani in his room, looking at the ceiling. Xolani said, “Baba. Why is my life so complex. Once I’m happy, I meet a road block. I find someone I love, and someone has to contest. Why am I so unfavoured”. Baba said, “Son. Life’s full of complexities. But it’s testing you to see if you’ll stand for it, or walk away . You did right rejecting her relationship proposal, but I hope you don’t make Living here awkward”. Then Xolani said, “That’s the thing. I wish to live on my own. Were I can not brew any more trouble”. Baba had a damp expression and said, “it can be arranged. But assure me this. After taking this decision, you may never regret it”. Xolani looked at the ceiling again and exclaimed. I am way past regrets Baba”.

The awkward atmosphere remained in the house until the day Xolani moved out. Although Hlengiwe was heartbroken and Lindiwe was confused, they had to accept that Xolani has to live the way he choose. As Xolani was about to say his good byes, Hlengiwe ran to her room, and Lindiwe said, “You’d better not miss work” with a huge smile. They hugged and Bongani moved to a far side of town. Much closer to work and a few minutes away from Nonala’s place. Since Xolani’s move, their relationship has become more intermit, and they enjoy each other’s company. Xolani felt in his heart that all is well. The past is were it should be, and he now is being rewarded with love. Little does he know life will change once more.

________________TO BE CONTINUED_____________
By Neo Maluka