Cleansing White Waters – Chapter 6

Hours before his daughters surgery, Xolani was discharged from hospital. He could finally walk and was warned to not over use his body. When he arrived to the Mabezela residence, Hlengiwe had Lindiwe welcomed him back with affectionate hugs and Xolani joked they might get him back into hospital if they squeeze too hard. But the atmosphere turned cold when he met Bab Mabezela. Baba was happy that Xolani was back on his feet, but Xolani felt a certain kind of resentment towards him. Xolani went straight to his room, and stayed there for a while. Lindiwe came into the room and said to him “we know Baba is the last person you’d trust. They had their reasons to do what they did, but you can’t stain yourself with hate. Forgive them and everything will be fine. After all now you know you’ve never been alone. Now you have us as your family”. They went on and spoke for hours. When Lindiwe left the room, Xolani had lots to think about.
Before lights out, Xolani saw Bab Mabezela sitting in the kitchen. He curiously looked at the letter Baba was reading before disturbing him. Xolani asked what the letter was for, Baba handed the letter over to Xolani.

Dearest Greetings

Bab Mabezela, I received your letter, and I can’t tell you how much I and Mama Mbete are hurting right now. Our only boy is hurt and we can not do anything about it. I left the young man under your care, but I understand that misfortune happens, it has always followed him. Mama Mbete is angered at the fact that we never revealed our secret earlier. It could have minimised Xolani’s suffering earlier.

MaMbete says that Xolani must live his life to the fullest and forget about this village of ours. There’s no growth in the past. And as for that young lady he impregnated, she has gave birth but she is in hospital. There are complications, but it is said the baby will be fine. It is said the baby is a girl, and her name is Luphumlo. We as the Mbete family thought Xolani needed to know he has a daughter, but let it not discourage him from Living his fresh start to the fullest.

Yours faithfully
The Mbete Household.

After reading this, Xolani’s tears welled. Under his breath, he said “I am a father”. Bab Mabezela was surprised to see Xolani’s smile grow this big. He ran outside and shouted with his hand in the air, “I AM A FATHER!”. When the roaring was done, he broke down and fell to his knees and began crying. Reality kicked in. He maybe a father, but he left his child in the care of her mother. He had to leave, for his sake, yet he felt bad for burdening poor Nokthula with all the responsiblity. Lindiwe and Hlengiwe rushed down to see who’s making a noise at this time of night, when they saw Xolani on his knees crying. Hlengiwe took the letter from uBaba, scanned through it quick, then went to Xolani’s side and said, “You maybe in tears, but you’re here now. Have faith, your child is in good hands, and one day you will meet”, Hlengiwe tried to use all her might to not kiss Xolani, but before she failed in temptation, he stood, and walked to his room.
Weeks pass, Nokthula and Luphumlo have been released from hospital after a successful surgery and healing. Xolani went into a deep depression after finding out he’s a father. He could not work for awhile, until he forced himself unto his feet and fought his depressed state.

Nokthula and Bongani have an understanding formed between each other. As much as Bongani hates the biology of Luphumlo, he has accepted that she is now his duty and he is her father. Nokthula can not say she loves him but since he was outcasted from his family, his arrogance and pride has died down, and they can actually talk about more then their relation and other things.

One afternoon as Bongani was at work, Nokthula took Luphumlo out for a walk, she ended up at the Mbete residence. Mama and Baba Mbete were quite shocked to see her. They had assumed she wanted nothing to do with Xolani anymore. Mama Mbete offered her some tea and asked her, “My darling, you have brought your little bundle of joy to us. Why is this?”. “I came here because I wanted to feel his presence. I wanted his baby to come to where it all began. I wanted the people who raised him up to see his child. I wanted closure. As much as I love him, he has left. He promised to return, but I won’t grow old waiting. The man that tormented him is my husband now. I may not love him, but I have to try. I can not wait for so long”. Mama Mbete saw tears roll down Nokthula’s cheeks. She stood and got the letter Bab Mabezela wrote to them, handed it to Nokthula. “He may have left, but he still loves you. Time changes people, so do secrets and pain. Move on with your life, but leave room in your heart for him”. Mama Mbete said and hugged her. “We do not expect you to wait, but keep his memory, and love this child like you loved Xolani. She is his spitting image”, Mama Mbete said. When Nokthula was about to leave Mama Mbete said “Read that letter alone. You’ll see, even apart you are together”. Nokthula left and went straight home.

Xolani was back at work. He refused to have a partner to help him around with the carrying. He said, ”I’ll manage alone”. Everyone could see Xolani was not as happy as before. Even at lunch he was always alone. He took the time to thank Theo for saving him then he’d sit in solitude.

One day Nonala came and sat next to Xolani. He was surprised because she and Nonhle were inseparable. Xolani asked, “Where’s your BFF”,then Nonala answered, “We had a disagreement. But it’s fine, unless you have a problem with me being here?”. Xolani was awestruck by Nonala’s resolve. They began to talk, and Xolani began to ask about her past and how she came to be. He was surprised to see that Nonala is a girl who was born with a silver spoon, but refused to be about it. She chose to live by her own means. Her father made millions building, repairing and selling houses while her mother owned a few franchises. She considers herself as the white sheep of the family. She’s the only one who is not spoilt. She preferred suffering for her pennies, which she did after running away from home. She found a room mate and best friend in Nonhle. She said nothing about their disagreement.

As flirty as her smile was, Xolani was simply not interested. But he did enjoy her company. They all knocked off from work and Xolani insisted on taking a walk, though Lindiwe was adamant about it. As he was about to walk back home, he heard someone calling his name. It was Nonhle. She asked if they could walk together. Xolani noticed her Lovely Light brown skin, big green eyes and her voice just melted the walls around his heart. They walked and talked and he noticed they have certain things in common. Although she was not heavily bullied in her youth, Nonhle was a loner. Being the only girl of 4, it wasn’t easy to adjust. All she could do was read her books and exercise. Her brothers squandered any relation she would have with any boys, or as she called them “over protective”. As they kept talking, she then said, “You know why I and Nonala aren’t in good condition. It’s because of you”. Xolani was shocked but curious. “Yes Dumi and Theo made their advances on us, even poor old Justin, but you have been here and not once did that and we craved your attention. So we had an agreement to compete for your attention, she cheated when she came to talk to you..”, “And you just evened the score”, Xolani interrupted. She just nodded, and stood In front of Xolani, held his hands and said, “As sad as your heart is, and all that you’ve went through. I admire that you never once became a bad person. I think that is why I love you..”. Xolani’s mind was pacing. He was shocked. No two women have ever fought for him before. He felt surprised, those words (I love you) did something to him. Nonhle moved in close to him, he felt her breath on his face, she smelt of roses and lavender. She planted her lips onto his. They kissed slowly, passionately. Enjoying the taste of each kiss. The brain rush they both felt, almost like they were alone in the world, they certainly forgot they are in the streets. Nonhle broke the embrace. She then said, “if you want me Tiger, take me out first”. Xolani laughed as she kissed him again. They hugged and went their separate ways.