Well now I prove my suspicions to be wrong, mother didn’t bribe any Guruji. It’s just the universe testing the strength of our bond. I don’t really care about the stars and horoscope, all that I’m worried about is the deal that we made with our families. Paul insisted that we ignore that deal and obey the rules of love. If two people are deeply inlove nothing matters but their happiness, how can we be happy if we can’t be together?

I hate Alaska for bringing up her selfish solution. Just because she didn’t get to marry the man of her dreams she wants me to go through that too. Unfortunately I’ll not live my life according to anyone’s expectations and I’ll fight for my love , no we’ll fight for our love. Paul said we’re together in this, two-gather. Yeah we don’t need any third-party to gather with us. We need no opinion we’ve decided.

I decide to go to the beach alone at night to get some sea breeze and refresh my mind. It feels cold rather than cool but being here is better than at home. This place holds precious memories for me and they’re all infront of me right now. My Paul is a character in all of them now he’s a character in this present moment. I just felt a comfort covering my shoulders and back chasing the cold away. It’s is Paul, apparently he came here for the same reason as mine.

This is funny, if we’re are not matching outfits we’re sharing thoughts or ideas. The universe is really playing tricks on us, we share a lot but our stars clash. Not that I care about stars or what others think but It’s really gonna be hard to do something without my mother’s blessings for the first time. Because this wedding will definitely take place.

Paul thinks this is our families’s trick because they had already planned for our married lives separately.They’re now trying to accomplish their motives. If we become poor they’ll be only reason for that. They’ve put a condition stating that should continue with this marriage they’ll take whatever that costed them, and that’s everything for me but not Paul.


We decided to just get married to court and we’re heading to court right now. I’m really ready to spend the rest of my life in poverty and face all the never ending troubles to begin. I can see that Paul is also ready so we’re doing it. We do it! I wonder what precipitation we’ll receive during this season or will it be the predicted one