Ntobeko has always know his mother. He doesn’t know any relatives both from his mother’s side and father’s side. His father left his mother MaDlamini before his was even born.

Ntobeko comes back from school and do his regularly routine since his mother is sick. His mother MaDlamini was working as receptionist before illness got to her. Now she sits on bed whole day and read her Bible. At the local clinic they don’t transfer her to hospital they only give her painkillers.

Ntobeko does his routine and start preparing supper. Simply rice and tin fish. While waiting for the food to be fully cooked his mother call him. “Ntobeko ndodana yami come sit next to my bed” maDlamini calls Ntobeko. Ntobeko quickly take a chair and sit next to his mother.

“As you see I’m sick I’m not getting any better. This is the address and photo of your father if anything happens to me you go to him and tell him I’m your mother and I send you to him. He will take you with him I know he is a great man but life seperated us. My family kicked me out when I was pregnant with you I don’t think they will ever accept you” maDlamini said coughing while giving Ntobeko a piece of paper and a photo.

“But mom nothing is going to happen to you. Don’t stress yourself” Ntobeko said comforting his mother. “Ohh I think the pots are burning let me go check” Ntobeko said rushing to the stove. Luckily he got there in time, when the food was ready he dish for his mom and himself. He gave MaDlamini water to drink her pills. They prayed and went to their dreamland.

In the morning Ntobeko did his morning routine as usual. When he was about to kiss his mother a goodbye he noticed that his mother has stopped breathing. He put down his bag, got outside and screamed for help. Neighbours came in rush. His mother had funeral policy. Neighbours helped him preparing for the funeral.

After the funeral he was forced to leave the place his know his life the village of mkomaas and go to the city of Durban to find his father since they was no one to take care of him.