Butterfly unlocked the gate with her hair clip.They escaped the guards.Battil threw all of in the dungeon. And took the keys and threw them.But took one for himself just incase.

They are so much food.Because they were hungry.They got full.They needed the energy.They went to the queen of witches and asked her politely.

But of course it was a big NO.They did it the hard way.They ran off got into the queens room and stole the things they needed.But uncertainly they were caught.

And thrown to the dungeon.The guards were very angry .So they got no food that night.

The stayed hungry for hours.They noticed they were other prisoners.They were very kind.They said they had no reason to be locked.

They felt tired.They took a nap because they haven’t slept for two days.Batyil hanged himself in the ceiling as usual.

They woke up in the morning and did the chores.After they were finished they were thrown back in the dungeon.

Battil remembered late that he had keys.He waited for night and released everyone. They were happy to be free.

They took the things.They escaped the place.They carried on their journey back home it took days.
