“Let me walk you back to your flat.” He says, instead of not allowing him, I let him walk with me after all I feel safe knowing that there is someone around to save me from the sleezy guys. He says nothing as we walk and as for me I don’t even know where to start with him.
He stops when we reach my flat, we both stand on the gate, I smile a little not even sure if he can even see my smile at this darkness “Thank you for back there.” I say as I shift from one foot to the other. I stand there for a minute expecting him to talk when he doesn’t I open the gate and walk inside and he is still standing there watching me. When I walk inside the building that is when I see him walk away.
I take the long steps to the 3rd floor and start to wonder where did the ‘mysterious guy’ came from during that interaction with those guys, he just appeared out if nowhere.
As I got inside the warm blankets the last image in my mind is the mysterious guy.
Every morning he is at the café and when I knock off late he is standing at the spot where those guys harassed me.
He will always accompany me back to my apartment not saying a word.
Today was the day I was going to talk to him and I was growing anxious already, I have so many questions for him or maybe it is because I want to hear his deep voice.
When I knocked off I see him standing at the corner with his leg on the wall and just like usual he waits for me to pass and he will walk behind.
I stop on my tracks and look at him, and I have managed to catch him by surprise but he quickly mask that with his signature mysterious look.
“What’s your name?” I ask folding my arms on my chest hoping this gives me more of a serious look. He looks at me like he is fighting a smile, like I had said something funny and I am not back down today I have to know.
“I deserve to know the guy who accompanies me each night to my building.” He keeps quiet for so long that I was sure he was not going to speak “Senzo.” He finally said.
“I’m Rose.”
He nods “I know.”
Of course he does, Tlalane calls me by my name almost every minute of the day.
As the first rain drop lands on my arm I look up and soon it starts pouring, we both run to the shop that has a veranda and stand there as we are now completely drenched.
I look up at Senzo no longer named the spilt coffee guy. He is tall, now standing next to him I saw how tall he is compared to me.
As the rain starts to settle, we get out of the veranda and walk the short way to my apartment and now I am already cold.
“Wanna come in for a coffee?” I ask as we reach my apartment, he looks at me like he is about to decine “We are both cold, you don’t have to stay for long.”
He reluctantly follows me to my apartment when we both walk in I point with my head to the direction of the bathroom “You can take a shower, I have oversized clothes that might fit you.”
He walks into the bathroom and soon I hear the water. I head to the bedroom and quickly take out the drenched clothes and put on warm clothes making a mental note to take a bath when Senzo leaves.
I head to kitchen and turn on the kettle, when my stomach rumbles I know that I have to make something quick.
I take out rice and chicken and quickly put it in the microwave to defrost it before I start cooking. When Senzo walks out he is now wearing my oversized clothes but when one looks at him they would swear it were his clothes as they fit him perfectly.
I take the cup of coffee to him “Hopefully this will keep you warm.” He takes the cup from hands and mumbles a thank you before he sits down.
“I hope you are hungry,” I shout for him to hear “Because I am whooping something here.”