It is Friday and today it is my off day, so I make sure to sleep till the sun comes up. It feels good to finally relax, for the past few weeks I barely got an off only because I denied myself one because I wanted to forget about my family for a little while and when Senzo walked in the CafΓ© he has been the perfect distraction. I take a long hot bath before going to the kitchen and make cereal for breakfast.

I look at Senzo’s clothes now resting on the couch, washed and neatly folded.

I switch on the tv and watch Bluey the cartoons when a knock came in, I look at the clock it is well past 11 and I am not expecting anyone.

Confused I place the bowl on the coffee and go and open the door, surprised I see Senzo standing there. He looks at me under his thick and long eyelashes.

Suddenly I feel self conscious as I remember that I am in one of my many baggy clothes and my hair is in a mess bun. I don’t even know why I care but I just do.

“Hi.” I say with my furrowed eyebrows.

“I came to fetch my clothes.”

Come in, I say opening the door wider for him and lead him to the lounge.

“You washed them?” He ask as he looks at the clothes.

I nod as I put his clothes in a Checkers plastic bag. He takes the plastic and looks at the bowl of cereal “No wonder you this skinny.”

“What!?” I ask more offended than not who does he think he is to call me skinny. I look at him trying to see if he is joking but to my surprise he is dead serious.

“You need real proper food.” He said looking at the cereal with total disgust. My anger subsidies as I realise that this is his weird way into asking me out.

“Where is this real food.”

“I know a perfect place we can go there now.” And I was right he was definitely asking me out.

“Let me go and change.”

He shakes his head “You look perfect you don’t have to change.”

So I don’t change instead I let him take me to wherever they have real food.