In the evening. Junior is in his bedroom talking to a friend over the phone when his father storms in without knocking.

JUNIOR (on the phone): I have a situation. I’ll call you later. (he drops the call)

MR XABA (angrily) You little creep! Why are your couches still in my living room?!

JUNIOR (nervously): Uhm… I can’t lift them up by myself. They are heavy.

MR XABA: Call your stupid friends! I want your things out by tomorrow morning!

JUNIOR: But why, Dad? They look good for–

MR XABA: This is not up for discussion!

JUNIOR: Okay, I’ll call my friends and we’ll get them out by tomorrow morning.

As Mr Xaba leaves the room his eyes catch the sight of his wife’s picture peeking out from the pages of his son’s closed book. He pulls it out.

MR XABA: And why is this in your book? (shows it to Junior)


MR XABA: Didn’t I tell you to burn all of her pictures?! (louder and angrier) Didn’t I?!

JUNIOR (nervously): You did. I kept this one because–

MR XABA (angrily): I don’t want to hear it! Burn it, now!

JUNIOR (nervously): Yes.

MR XABA: Is this the only picture you have because if not, this is your chance to come clean with me.

JUNIOR: Uh… Um… Some are…

Junior pulls out a small box hidden under his bed. He opens it and takes out all other six pictures of his mom.

MR XABA (gives Junior a lighter): Here! Go and burn them!

Junior goes out in the backyard and starts burning the pictures. Tears fall down his face as he looks on his mom’s smiles turn into ashes.

Tell Us: Do you think it’s okay for parents to say hurtful things to children in the moment of anger?