Lungelo went to work and was very hurt ..he couldnt concentrate well..One of his colleagues he’s been long time friends with who’s name was Lindiwe came..She noticed his hurt face..She also came with two nice hot coffee
Lindiwe : You alright ?
Lungelo : I’m fine..
Lindiwe : You not ..tell me
After minutes of awkard silence..
Lindiwe : I bought u coffee ..Ur favorite dear.
Lungelo : Thanks
After another awkward silence
Lungelo : My girlfriend cheated on me..I really loved her ..But i was stupid..
Lindiwe secretly loved Lungelo but didnt knoe how to tell him
Lindiwe : You a good man ; She don’t deserve you..
Lungelo : It is what it is..
Lindiwe hugged him and looked away after she realise she’s falling in love with him..He now stared at her and touched her hand..
Lungelo : I know you love me..I’ve been noticing your behaviour towards me..Your stares ; your touch..but l loved you too..i didn’t want to cheat on her but she was the one cheating..
Lindiwe : I love you Lungelo but i don’t want to be desperate ..thats why i hid my love for u..
Lungelo laughed..
Lungelo : Will you be my girlfriend ?..But pls don’t break my heart ..I have been broken..
Lindiwe : I will be ur girlfriend ..
Lungelo touches her cheek..smiles and kisses her..She then pushes him away..
Lungelo : Am l a bad kisser ?
Lungelo : No u good ..I have something to tell u..I’m getting a interview at a company i’ve been dreaming to work in..I have applied and been waiting for their response now finally..
Lungelo : Well done but are we still gonna see each other ?
Lindiwe : Yes we can meet on the weekends ; we can call or video call each other ; meet on the holidays..
Lungelo : I’m happy for u..
They kiss again ..