My brain was throbbing, my bladder full of urine. My mouth felt dry as I moved my jaw, and behind the numbness in my right arm, I felt a dull discomfort. I open my eyes with heavy eyelids. The curtains were open, so I could see the raindrops dripping outside. To my surprise, when I turned my body to the left, Arachna was not there. I swiftly got to my feet and, despite the pain that was in my  right hand, I opened the door with that hand. The living room we were in yesterday was playing Tchaikovsky pas deux (the Nutcracker). As I approached the living room, I felt my soul lifting. Tchaikovsky is one of my favourite Russian composers.

It’s impossible to not appreciate Russian culture. Their accomplishments are like myths in both classic and literary works.The “nutcracker” or pas deux is undoubtedly one of the most amazing works of art ever made.  The music was so spell binding. The only person who could have written music fit for paradise itself was Tchaikovsky. It is mesmerising. It played like a conversation between an individual’s emotional state and consciousness; you could hear the emotional sound altering between grief, satisfaction, resentment, agony, and more; at certain points, it even sounds like it’s weeping. If there is one song that humanity should cherish forever, let it be this one.

When I entered the living room Arachna, Sabrina and havoc were seated on the table having their breakfast.

“It’s good to see you all alive in the morning.” I said sarcastically, They all laughed.

“You can say that again, after the horrific night we had. Please join us.” responded Sabrina pointing at an empty chair that was beside her.

I pushed the seat back and took a seat. Sandra served me a bowl of wild mushroom soup, topped with freshly chopped scallions, and a plate of eggs with toast, butter, and jam. The mushrooms in the soup were all hand-picked, cooked to perfection, and combined with silky cream. I took a spoon and tasted The soup, it assaulted the mouth with a deliciousness that was absolutely overwhelming. It permeated the entire space and had a lovely scent.

“So my plan you asked, i have decided that i will no longer spend 3 nights, but tonight will be my last. After my experience with the ghost and the dream, we will exorcise the ghost tonight,”

“What do you mean when you say we?” enquired Havorc, with a frown on his face.

“They say many hands make light work, definitely I will need your help.”

“Do you think you will be capable of exercising it?”

“Never judge a book by its colour, tonight you will see what i am capable of.”

“If you say so, so what kind of help will you need”

“First thing, I will need you to go and buy me an OX , then the rest will follow when we start, because after exorcising the ghost, we will have to cleanse your home.”

“Let me not waste time, i’ll hurry now” said havoc, as he stood up, leaving the room.