After I say them, repeat them. “I encourage them to speak with me from whatever dimension they may be in because I can now communicate with the dead and ask them questions. I called you so that you might tell me what I need to know as a result.”
We all recited these words for ten minutes, then the room became cold, the doors closed in a harsh manner causing the candles to be vivid.
“Do not be afraid.It has a sweetness comparable to blood and is as light as air. Both silent and ruthless, it is like a city. Fear is both dark and crimson. It is a city—a city without boundaries and outside of time. And you haven’t yet witnessed terror.” I said as I looked at them I could feel their shaking hands hovering just above their skin; they shied away from me, worried about the icy, clammy sweat that appeared to leak from every pore.
“She is here with us. Do not fear”
I turned my eyes to look at the ox, its eyes had turned blue. We then heard a loud groan coming from the ox as it tilted forward and backward.
“Who summoned me here?” the voice was coming from the ox, that was now possessed with the ghost spirit.
“It is i, balladon.who are you”
The ox suddenly started laughing so loudly that it was nearly crazy.
“Oh belladonna, belladonna! It is you. You couldn’t wait for me to come back on my own, so you decided to summon me? Well, well what do you want in my house?” it responded as it took out its tongue and licked its mouth.
“I asked, ” Who are you? This is not your house, you are dead, you have no place in the world of the living.”
“I am madam shekinah”
“What do you want from these people, what wrong have they done to you.”
“I want Sir James, he is the one I want, I won’t stop till I find him.”
“Sir James does not reside here anymore, you also have to move on. Why do you want him so much?”
“He burnt me to death, and poured my ashes in soup and fed it to people.”
The room became steamy, the ox started making loud cries.
“I am sorry too here that, but as i have said, he does not leave here i command you to leave and never come back or ill be forced to forcefully remove you from this house”
All of a sudden the ox started grounding and moving to break the rope that it was tied with. The rope finally broke, the ox ran straight towards Havorc who was now standing and it stabbed him with its horns on the chest.
“No!” screamed Sabrina runed towards Havorc. Her eyes were wide open, paralysed by fear.Darkness gathered in my eyes and filled it. I rushed to take the colossal sword and stabbed the ox.