Around 9 O’clock evening. Hazel was up from sleep. She giggled alone in her room when memories of her beloved one played in her mind, meanwhile maVilakazi was busy tossing and turning on her bed, something big was bothering her. However, Hazel had to come to reality. Cleo left her like a trash.

She held her Mobicel phone and stared at Cleo’s pictures. “I can’t believe I have to sleep without receiving a good night massage from you Cleo, yeah neh! Mjolo ke scam.

A knock disturbed her.

“Hazel, please try to eat something my granddaughter, you need strength to deal with your heart break,” maVilakazi said behind the door.

“Granny!” she sighed. “Your knock frightened me. Please come in.”

She entered, and fast, she took a breath. “Is that your uniform on the floor?”


“Hey wena!”

“I’m sorry granny.”

“I can’t believe you didn’t wash it! Are you not going to school tomorrow?” she yelled, frustrated.

“But granny you know that I’m not feeling well today.”

“Are you going to live all your life like this just because of that boy?”

Again, she cried horrifyingly. “Granny you don’t understand! Cleo isn’t just a boy! I saw a soul mate in him!”

“Yeah! That’s what happens when you open your legs to boys! You think I don’t see that you’re pregnant! Hazel you disappointed me! I didn’t think you’ll go that far! Allowing the boy to impregnate you? He’ll the pay damages for what he’s done! He’ll pay!” she banged Hazel’s door and headed to her room.

“Who said I’m pregnant? Eh! This old woman.”


At Cleo’s house. The handsome guy sniffed alone in his room. He covered himself with his warm chocolate coloured blankets. His white pillows received a dam of tears. Conscious chewed him until he grabbed his phone. He watched videos of him and Hazel doing uMlando dance. “I never thought this day will come. I left you like a rubbish today my future wife.” He said and turned off his iPhone. “I hate myself for what I did.” And woke up, he headed to his bathroom. He washed his face and looked his reflection devastated in a mirror. “My traits drove my mother crazy back in her universities years. Hmm LOL” he said, trying to comfort himself. “I have to learn from dad, a true gentleman doesn’t leave his woman hanging in the dark, I need to know what courses the change in Hazel’s body.” He rinsed off his face and headed back to his room.


The alarm rang in the morning. Hazel woke up puzzled. Having her uniform dirty was the worse red flag she ever threw on herself.

“No,” she said, trying to wipe the dirt on her uniform. “I’m not going to school today.”

MaVilakazi barged in.


“I have a severe headache granny,” she said softly. Pretending to be extremely sick.

She nodded. “I was not born today Hazel.”

“I’m serious granny, see…” she swore.

“Then you better choose if you want to go to school on your own or you want me to drag you.”


“Hm! You think I’m joking,” she said and went outside.

She held her head. “Eish! I’m in a big mess! What am I going to do?” She shook her right leg and bit the nail of her index finger.
