“And that kids, is how the war of China ended. Any questions?”


“There goes the bell! Remember your assignment is due next week. See you tomorrow.”

The bell rang signalling the end of our 1st class. It’s Monday today, and the day feels like it’s dragging. All I want to do is finish this day and go home. My second class for the day is English. In the middle of the class, a knock on the door stops the whole lesson.

“You may enter!”

When the door opens, our principal walks in, and behind her was a new student. As soon as the new girl entered, the entire class became silent. All their attention was now focused on her. She was 5’2, and really pretty. I could see all the boys eyes on her, eyeing her body shamelessly, ew….just ew.

“Good morning everyone, I hope you all are well. As you can see, today a new student joins West Park High School. Would you like to introduce yourself?” She asks as she turns to the new girl.

She seems extremely nervous standing in front. I was excited, but also not bothered. This new girl will most probably sit with the popular girls. I’ve gotten used to the fact that I will probably never have a friend. Principal Martinez gives her a soft smile, as she notices the girls nervousness.

“Uh …hi everyone. My name is Sienna Williams. I just moved to the town of West Park, all the way from sunny California. I hope I am welcome.”

“Oh you definitely are! My name is Grace, and I am the cheer captain of the cheerleading squad.” I mentally rolled my eyes as I leaned into my seat.

I tried my best to keep my laugh in, Sienna was judging Grace with her eyes. This new girl was definitely not impressed with her, as much as Grace tried her best to look like a good person. Sienna saw right through her and it was so funny.

“Well Sienna, feel free to take a seat anywhere. Welcome to West Park High School. Enjoy the rest your day.”

Sienna scans the room searching for an empty seat. She spots a seat next to me, and starts to walk my way. As she’s about to sit down, she looks at me and gives me a small smile. It felt weird seeing someone be so nice to me, normally people would just avoid looking my way. Instead of being mean, I just returned it. 

“ I wouldn’t sit there if I were you. That girl’s got germs!”

Grace shouts from across the room, and the entire room started laughing. 

Regardless of what Grace said, Sienna still sat down next to me.Soon the lesson went on, and I tried to hold back my tears.

“Okay kids that’s enough! Anyways back to the lesson, so…..where were we?”

“You were explaining life of Pi Ms Finch.”


When it was break time, I took my lunch and sat at my usual place. Looking up, I spot Sienna making her way into the cafeteria. Kenzie and her group of Barbies invited her to sit with them. Sienna then spots me, and declined the invitation. She starts making her way towards me, which got me receiving death stares.

“Can I join you?”

“Sure.” I give her a small smile as she takes a seat across from me.

“Are those girls always so mean to you?”

“Yeah, but I got used to it at this point. It doesn’t bother me at all.”

“I’m so sorry, no one deserves to get bullied like this on a daily basis.”

“It’s fine. Like I said, I got used to it.”

Soon the bell rang, and break was over. It was now time to head to our 5th class of the day. I was curious to see Sienna’s timetable, thinking that she might need help getting to her next class since she’s new.

“Can I see your timetable?”


She hands it to me as I scan it carefully. I noticed that she has the exact same classes as me, this got me excited. I now had a classmate that I could actually speak to.

“I see that we have the exact same classes.”

“Really? That’s fantastic! So now I don’t have to ask around when I don’t know where to go. All I can do is follow your lead.”

“Yeah, no problem.” I laughed as I handed the page back to her. With that, we made our way to gymnastics.