Once upon a time was there a seventeen boy who was not sure of what his sexuality is, He was on his journey finding out what his sexuality is. His name Is Junior.

“I feel like the most ugly person in the whole world, I think i should get something that could make my skin clear,” He was saying it while he looks in the mirror sitting on his bed, as he felt insecure about his face he was touching it. Junior started his day not as special as usually because he was busy remembering about what his classroom mates told him, According to them Junior is a person far away from beautiful. When he remembered what his classroom mates said he took the cup on his side-table and throw the mirror broken that’s the moment his old brother, Tiaan run in and screamed “Junior!” 

Tiaan asked him if he is hurt. Junior began to cry and his brother grab him and gave him a hug. He whispered in Junior’s ear and asked him what is wrong. Junior replied, “I don’t want to talk about it.” Junior then asked him if he can please leave the room but Tiaan don’t think it is a good idea to leave him alone. Tiaan offered to walk with him just to catch fresh air. Junior didn’t want to walk or to catch air, Junior smiled. Tiaan knew it was a fake smile, he then tell the broken mirror up and throw it away. Junior was taking one sleeping pill and went to sleep.

Junior’s youngest sister, Kiara is eight years old, she was so scared that she fears to go out of her room but Tiaan encouraged her to come out of her room and that everything is fine. She wanted to check if Junior is okay but Tiaan said if he stand up then she can asked him if he is okay. Meanwhile, Kiara is giving her dog food and Tiaan phoned Luciano, Junior’s best friend.


“Hi Luciano, Can you please inform me why is Junior so angry and sad at the same time that he throw his cup in the mirror that it broke”

“Tiaan I don’t have a clue”

“Are you sure? if there is something please inform me”

“No, as I say i do not have clue but is Junior safe?”

“Yes, yes if you can come if he woke up and lift his mood up please”

“Okay then”

Tiaan made breakfast for them.

It was later in the day when Luciano arrived at they house. Kiara cam running towards him to give him a hug, He smiled and gave her a hug. Tiaan woke Junior up tell him that his best friend is there. Junior asked for Tiaan if Luciano can come to his room. Luciano closed the door behind him after he came in the room. He asked immediately for Junior why is he sad. Junior said, “You would never understand so..”

Luciano kept on asking wanting to know why he’ve throw the cup into the mirror. Junior cried and wanted to talk but couldn’t talk.

“Junior I can’t help you if you do not talk about you problems, everything was fine yesterday”

“Luciano, I do not know myself anymore, you parents have understand when you said you are gay but my parents will never understand when I say I feel like a girl”

“Tiaan will understand when you say is to him, I believe so. I do not understand you said you are gay and you have sex with you ex boyfriend”

Tiaan came in and asked if they would have tea but both did not want, he went out. They kept on talking, Junior said that they broke up because Junior did not felt comfortable in the relationship and he said to his ex boyfriend, Junior that he feels like a girl instead of a boy. Luciano then went on telling him that he stil have to find out. Junior did not want to tell him that he feels insecure about his face. 

“So, did you and Nuraan have sex? and I want to hear all the details so tell me everything” said Junior while he laugh. Tiaan blush and then told him.

The next day started. The sun was shinning through Junior’s room, Kiara was jumping on his bed. Junior did not want to stand up Kiara was making a rhyme

“Hey Jun by Big juicy Bro” She was repeating it. Until Junior got up and grabbed Kiara and kielie her, she and he was so happy. Kiara got herself lose from him and run. Junior wanted to pray but think he is not ready to talk to god. Het made his bed up and went for a shower. 

Tiaan was glad Junior is happy again but he did not know Junior faked his happiness, Tiaan was screaming, “Good Morning, Junior I hoped you slept very well. Farah invited us to eat at they house this sunday”

Junior got silence because he don’t want to be around people but he did not want to let Tiaan worry about him that’s why he agreed to eat at Tiaan’s girlfriend, Farah’s house.

Junior was thinking of what he is about to wear, his red hemp, black pants and red high heels shoes. Junior was nervous but also happy in what he is wearing. Tiaan was finish but waiting for Junior to get him ready. When Junior came out of his room. Tiaan was so shocked, he grabbed Kiara’s hand,

“Junior your is staying at home while we is having dinner at Farah”  

When they went out, Junior began to laugh, he couldn’t stop to laugh that he began to cry. Junior phoned his ex boyfriend, Zachary. He phoned Zachary to come to him.

When Zachary arrived at the home, he knock at the door. Junior open the door, Zachary brought red wine and red roses for him but Junior kiss Zachary and was all over Zachery they went to his room. Zachery made Junior’s hemp knots open one by one while they is kissing. When they finished undressing they laugh and went under the lakens. 

When they finished they was so romantic with wine in they glasses.

“So, we’re back together , you have final realise that we are meant for each other”

“No, I can’t…please, it was a moment of weakness”

Zachary was so angry, he did not believe what Junior said, he asked Junior if he just use Zachary for sex. Tiaan arrived at Home, knocked at Junior’s room.

They both was shocked.