I never got a chance to see my parents embracing the monument they had together in their 13 years of marriage . As a first born and also a daughter, I had already imagined how my life would look like.Only if I fall in love and I was still young but I had never wished to be in a loveless marriage or be with a husband who would beat me up or abuse me in any way .
My dream was simple I told myself that after I complete grade 12 I will get a boyfriend in university and enjoy my life and get married while am still virgin I never thought my life would be full of twisted fate and ill cursed love life .I was in grade 4 when my mom discovered her biological father so we somehow have to pay visit to her newly long lost relatives that’s where I met my uncle he was tall skinny and had a yellow complexion to me he was the most good looking guys .
I think loving someone start when we’re very young is just that as kids we hardly understand what love is and how one has to behave in their childhood but to me and my uncle .We were inseparable at the youngest age he was just 1 year 11 days older than me he had failed grade 4 that year and he was repeating class . His father was actually my mom’s uncle his father and my mom’s dad were actually siblings ,however his father was youngerr than my mom’s dad .
There was this day when I had to sleep to my mom’s aunt house and leave my mom at her uncle’s home during our visit I had no idea that my little uncle would cry to follow me like a tails dog and he even weeped and insisted to sleep wherever am going to sleep he was still young and his brother denied and said because he wets his blankets he can’t go with me
After some years without visiting ,without contacting each other . The day how it all started , my mom had just bought a new phone and decided to call his father’s brother and he asked if he can talk to me I felt very honored since I haven’t seen or heard my old friend my uncle I was still recalling our memories like it was yesterday we were in grade 8 that year .I managed to to talk to my grandpa and ask how everyone is doing ,mentioning their names and the name of all people he was very pleased and compliment me for my strong memories that’s how he allowed me to talk to my favorite uncle ..I don’t know how but it really started ..that moment he said “hello “. to your work.