Mrs Smith shows Isabel a room to sleep. Isabel get’s some rest. She wakes up early in the morning and takes the document she took from her parents bedroom.
She opens it and she reads:

Mandy’s Orphanage ,
I agree that Mr and Mrs Mark take Isabel Gomez as their adopted daughter…”
She stops and start thinking again:

I’ve been asking myself .. why would a real parent abandon their own child just for falling pregnant … But now it all makes sense , they’re not my real parents , she didn’t carry me In her stomach for nine months  … but they’ve done a very good job raising me and giving me the love I needed, I still need answers though…”

Mr Smith disrupts her and tells her to come over to the dining room, they discuss the case about the incidence of Isabel getting raped. She explains everything to Mr Smith and the case is reported further to the police department.