My head is heavy I struggle to open my eyes, I open them and quickly close them again because they hurt. I hear sad sobs near me, I force my eyes to open and have a look. GOD! where am I? Who are these people? What is going on? A lot of questions came to my mind. I opened my mouth to talk but a goofy male disrupte me, he came in and gragged us others were kicking and screaming whilst I was still trying to figure out what was happening.

We were told to take a shower and eat, we did as we were told. I kept thinking about my friends in the shower, were they safe or were they trafficked too or maybe they are out there looking for me. I couldn’t remember anything from last night and that frustrated me. While I was still thinking letting the water soak me a bold voice screamed “other girls want to take a shower too you slut!” I cried and went out of the shower.

Sly was convicted for human trafficking, he tried explaining to the police that he knew nothing about the human trafficking and he had no idea how those chats got in his phone but the police did not believe his truth. Sly was bullied in jail he did all the chores, he was someone’s wife in there “Don’t drop the soap”. Him not knowing what really happened that night crushed him because all he could think of was his friends.

Buntu is sipping cocktail at the beach staring at families having good time, I need to make friends she thought to herself.