One year later

Rainita is getting ready for school its the second week of school and already she’s not copying,she gets ready to leave as her transport is already waiting @6 am ,” bye brother I will see you soon”. Rainita was happy to be doing grade 11 and with the help of Lerato and her other new friends she was able to overcome everything and last year ‘s past trauma and bullying.

Rainita goes inside the car,” hi uncle how are you,im so bored already I wish it was still December” she sighs, her uncle looks at her,” oh my child school is important hang in there only one year left” he drives off to umlazi v to pick up Lerato. The car arrives and hoots at Lerato,who comes out and gets in,”morning everyone” Lerato greets hugging Rainita.

“How are things with Ayanda”?, Rainita brings up the topic, Lerato didn’t like talking about her relationship she wanted it to be private,” we are good you know we actually had a great December I met his parents and nje we okay”. Rainita blushes she wishes she had someone she could love and was her forever.”I’m so happy for you my baby I hope this last forever”.

Lerato ‘s phone rings she answers,” hey ayy I’m in the taxi hawu “Lerato sounds upset shocking Rainita,” hey my love I just wanted to tell you to enjoy your day and that I won’t be online today I love you”, Ayanda says he had gotten used to her nature,” okay thanks I will hear from you soon ” ,she hangs up. and continues watching a series that was called”Girlfriends” she loves watching series while eating her apple fruit.”why are you so cold to your boyfriend Lerato?”, Rainita asks so shocked, Lerato also in horror pauses her series,” im cold what you guys I’m not cold this is how I am he knows even Lusapho says im cold”.

The transport drops them at a warehouse and goes to drop other children and drops them. “How do you feel now that next week we will be a whole class?”Lerato asks Rainita, Rainita had the worst year of her life last year she got involved in a fight and she Lost her hair on the other side,she was trending in Facebook and everyone she was a victim of bullying especially her classmates.

“Well I don’t know but I know I’m strong I won’t let anyone do me like last year”, Rainita had changed and she was more fierce, beautiful and had a change persona.,” How’s the situation with Lebogang and Luyanda, especially since Luyanda is also in our class at least Lebo is in 11A.” I don’t like both of them and that idiot Luyanda wrote me a song last December im just not interested mngani “.

The day went by quickly and it was break, Lebo came to where they were sitting and offers an umbrella for Lerato as they sat near the assembly area and it was summer.,” So how are things with your boyfriend “? Lebo asks, Lerato looks at him,” I don’t tell strangers about the details of my relationship sorry “.So they talked about something else. Lunathi comes up and sees Lerato with Lebo,Lunathi and Lerato just became friends last year and she already knew about her relationship with Ayanda even though she had expressed that he is not good enough for Lerato,

Even after school Lebo was holding his umbrella for Lerato and Rainita was not happy she wanted Lebo to stop looking at her friends and find someone else.,”don’t worry Rainita, Lebo will not last”. Amahle reassures. As Lerato gets home she eats some burgers, baths and was now watching the series,” Girlfriends*, Iron Rose had finished and along with For love and justice.” Let me phone him”, she says referring to Ayanda, Ayanda answers after a few rings,” hii Yanda, hope you enjoyed your day im just checking up on you,” uhm Lerato can you please call later okay ” he hangs up,” mxms weeh kant.. before she could finish she gets a call from Lebo and they talked and talked till they both went to study.

This continues for months with Lerato and Lebo calling each other and Ayanda busy doing what God knows.Till one day in class a week before exams for term 1 , Lerato was in Life sciences ‘s Y Chinsamy’s class the class was talking as usual until a girl Owethu says loudly,” Lerato, Ayanda is cheating on you”! ,The class goes dead drop dead silent.”Lerato replies,” Okay Owethu thank you ” ,”hawu is that what you will say?”,” Shall I die and stop breathing come on girl “Lerato says while laughing.

After school she recieves a text from Luyanda ,” hey sorry but Ayanda is cheating on you with Nduduzo’s sister,the girl from our class im sorry but I knew too”, Lerato rolls her eyes she wanted to be alone but replies,” thanks for the update and im okay she laughs you being dramatic. Meanwhile something tells Ayanda to call Lerato after a long of time,” let me call her”. Ayanda calls her but Lerato rejects it, he continues to call and she rejects it until the calls were now 45 missed calls, something told Ayanda that she knows,” he sends her text,” I know that you know since your class has women ,I know you do please give me a chance to explain.

Tomorrow morning, Ayanda still called Lerato but she ignored it, Rainita notices even in the warehouse,” what’s wrong Lili ?”,she asks buy Lerato just says,” I’m fine and I will not be talking this day “.The day continues but Lerato hides that she is not okay she answers the questions as usual. Lebo came during break and was surprised that Lerato was flirting with him,and warming up to him he thought it was now time to confess his feelings to Lerato. After school Ayanda calls Lerato and she answers this time,” what do you want?”.

“I know you know that I am cheating on you with a girl from my school and im sorry you know she was just there when you weren’t,and the distance thing got me,it was lonely in here and she was a destruction im sorry that you had to find out like this”,he says you could hear that he was crying.”And the Wentworth girl?”, Lerato asks fuming ,but Ayanda was shocked,”what we just friends nothing happened between me and that girl who told you that?” He was now angry,” Owethu and Luyanda, Ayanda gets mad and asks for Luyanda ‘s number to confront him he drops the call on Lerato.

Luyanda and Ayanda had a confrontation and Luyanda never replied and instead blocks him. Ayanda demands that Lerato does a video call with him, herself and Luyanda, Lerato does so Luyanda answers but as soon as Ayanda enters he drops the call, Ayanda was furious,” Okay he was lying with the Wentworth girl but you still cheated Ayanda”Lerato says,”I’m sorry Lerato I love you and don’t want to lose you please give me a second chance I won’t ever ever do it again”.