Saint Mary’s Asylum is said to be the most haunted asylum. Located in the city of New Orleans, in a little village, many people you come across tells you to stay way from that asylum.
When you ask about it, they simply say, “Do not go anywhere near or go inside that place. People who have gone into the asylum have never returned.”
They say those who were lucky enough to return, came back mad and their brains were not functioning properly. They always mumble something about a creature that lives inside that asylum.
I was young, 16 years old when me and two of my friends decided to go against what everyone in the little village told us. We never believed what everyone told us, so we decided to explore ourselves.
We took the 2-hour walk through the thick, dense forest. It felt like it was taking forever until we finally got to the building. We stared at it for a few minutes, debating whether or not we should still do it.
“Don’t be a party pooper Jane”
My friend tells me. I did not wanna disappoint her so I followed her lead. We struggled with the door for a bit before it finally opened.
They walked in with me following closely behind them. As far as I remember, the front door was still open, none of us closed it because we would be leaving soon.
We stayed in a group just in case one of us got lost. The asylum is two storeys high. Every corner we turned, it was dark. We explored the first floor first, which have multiple doors and in two of the rooms there are hospital equipment.
I was so deep in thought, I didn’t realise that I was lost and my friends were lost too. Maybe if I hadn’t been so distracted by how intact the equipment still were I wouldn’t have lost them.
I called out to them and I never heard from them again. I can’t remember anything else, neither can I remember how long have I been in here. Counting back from the year I entered this asylum, I counted 20 years.
The front door won’t open, every year I’ve tried. Earlier this evening, two teenagers came into the asylum. It’s been years since anybody came and visited this place. I thought everyone warned them against coming here, but they still did.
I followed them around the asylum and I tried to get their attention. I started shouting out to them, in hopes that they could get me out of here.
“Hey! Can you hear me? I need help!”
“Did you hear that babe?”
The girl stops and turns around. She looks around her, that means she heard me right?
“Hello…. is there anybody in here with us?”
Oh my god she can hear me!
” Yes it’s me. Can you help me?”
She turns around and continues walking.
I walked behind them down the old rusted stairs leading to the first floor. They stopped dead in their tracks, making me stop too.
“I’m hearing footsteps behind me”
” It’s probably nothing babe, you just afraid because we are in an old abandoned building”
It was dark by the staircase, their flashlights weren’t so bright. They continued to walk.
I continue to follow them around the asylum, I threw a old rusted tin at them making them both stop in their tracks. They turn around and stared at me. I was angry that they were ignoring me, and I had enough.
“Can you not hear me? Why are you ignoring me? I said that I need help!!”
They just stared at me with shock and fear on their faces. They looked at each other and they made their way to the exit.
“We need to leave babe. There are ghosts in this place. Lord knows what they could do to us if they threw that tin can at us.”
Thats when I realised, the reason why they couldn’t see me, is because I’m not alive anymore. There is a ghost in the asylum, and the ghost is me.