Simoni then saw a door and went straight to it. He found that it was locked and punched it open – Bang !!! .

Simoni shouted: “Butcher !!! Butcher !!! Show yourself , I have come for you .”

He whispered to himself: “Oh my God ! What the hell is this ? Is it a school , house or a Lab.”

Simoni kicked the first door on his right shouting for butcher but he could not believe what was in front of his eyes (dead bodies and skulls) he closed the door silently and continued his mission of killing the most-wanted villain.

“Why are there so many doors?” he asked himself.

Then he went to the second door but he could not open it and he moved to the third door, and he managed to open it with the old army techniques.

Shocking discovery – “Huh ! ”

All sorts of dangerous substances and new ones ( bags of drugs , cocaine , a full box of tik , mandrakes , fruit plas etc…)