Its the 25th of October is Nomalizo’s 30th birthday! She’s booked the penthouse suite of the Michaelangelo Hotel to have her party. She has invited 30 of her closest friends and family to celebrate this day with her.

She is flying her parents and siblings from Durban for this occasion. She has a professional hairstylist and make up artist on hand to work their magic on all her female guests as well as herself.

She got dress and shoe sizes of all her guests and flew a tailor from New York for all her male guests’ tuxedo tailoring. All of them will be wearing white; and she; as the guest of honor has a black and gold gown made all the way from Paris. At a cost of R100 000. No expenses were spared for her 30th birthday. After all, she was only going to turn 30 once; and die once at 30. Or was she?!