I thought you loved me enough to be transparent

but no you did not

You couldn’t face me and tell me the truth

but you could tell others about me

You toyed with my heart

I thought you loved me enough to break up with me

but no you chose to cheat

You couldn’t tell me you no longer love me

but you could cheat in my presence

You toyed with my heart

I loved you with all my being

I didn’t care what people said about you

I didn’t care about any negative comments they had about us

because I loved you but

You toyed with my heart

You did the very same thing you said you hate

You cheated on me while I waited for you

You promised to check up on me, to come back for me

but you never did

You just toyed with my heart

I loved you enough to give you my first kiss

I loved you enough to say I love you

I loved you enough to not mind other people’s comments

I loved you enough to show you that

but you just chose to toy with my heart.