The glitter of the galaxy just fell on your soul.
Whenever you are lonely, spiritually, you are never alone.
They claimed to know love and they came along;
No rest for the wicked in this journey 
Where love is the priority 
And trust keep on living 
Roll the dice if you are lucky 
Out of six, you will get me
You may shine from a distance 
But you are my star.
You make ends meet, sorrows extinct 
The wound heals, the heartbeat 
Mind thinks, love lives in us
With two bodies but one feeling 
Two brains one thought, two lips one kiss
Two hearts one love 
You may shine from a distance 
But you are my star.
The floods of ecstasy fill the floodplain.
The weight of your love overwhelming hatred.
Your light in my heart never extinguish.
You brighten my darkest thought;
You shine in the darkest clouds
You may shine from a distance 
But you are my star.