He said it’s not that you don’t know what you want

But it is only a matter of time until you realize it

What if I said I wanted him

The one that left me

The one that got tired of me

Can’t believe I still have feelings for him

I don’t want to hurt you

But what if I actually hurt myself by making the wrong decision

Is he worth all that I am

Are you worth all that I am

I can argue with the heart but it knows what it wants

It wants him even though day by day I feel less for him

The less I feel for him the more

The memories come flooding in

What if it doesn’t work out this time

What if I bore him like I did before

Is he really worth it

Should I let go of him

Still that wouldn’t get me to be focused on you

Is it time for me to let go

But I tired

Did it work, I’m not sure

How can I let go when a part of me tells me he wants me as bad as I want him

But then he would have told me