Who you are not to be complemented

Who told you, you have scars in your face

Who cares about what failures utters to make you feel low?

Who said you are not gorgeous?

Who told you to stop trying?

Who said you are worthless?

Who told you to give up?

I tell you, you will make it

Who said to you, you are not good enough to socialise with others?

Who lied to you that you are useless?

To me and to the world you are useful

Who told you to stop expressing your feelings?

Who said to you , you are lying about how you feel?

Who confirmed it?

You need no approval from anybody who makes you feel less

Why do feel so weak?

You seemed unhappy

Who said to you, you will not pass this stage of pains and sorrows?

Who said a lot?

Do you know you are to be loved?

Did you know you are so special?

You can make it through

You can prove them wrong

Only if you are willing to focus on your life

Can you let the failures be?

In fact there is no need to prove anything to anyone

Focus on your life

And look forward for better future