Where are you?

they call you with all names

you are every where but it not easy to get you

you have changed the world,

on the street everyone is looking for you

everybody is asking you

Where are you?

they call you with all names

you are popular,

even a recent born child know about you

every one know you

who are you? Tell me

who was the person thought about you first time

is that person thought about your impacts on this earth?

There is so much good about you

yes about you,

you bring joy at home,

you bring light to families

walls stands at homes because of you

food insecurity is no more because of you

lot of good work you’re doing

I salute you for that!!

Some of us we keep asking

where are you?

we been waited a long time for you

poverty now it a home

crime is increasing

fear is everywhere

I hate you for that!!