It feels great when you meet someone for the first time

It feels good when you fall in love with someone

It is so romantic and so charming when the two love birds connect

It feels so good when you first kiss the one you love

And it is a great excitement when you first make love

When love ends, It is so unusual

Stress becomes a disease 

Life becomes heavy and unbearable

Lo! How many love that ended before?

How many people who got separated?

How many people who got divorced?

How many fathers who left their own families?

How many mothers who were left alone to raise their children?

How many men who run away from their own responsibilities?

How many women who left their unemployed men?

It happens when the love ends

It happens when the two love birds fly in separate directions

It happens when the need and the want is no longer needed and wanted

It happens when life situation changes

It is a something from the past, from the present and something for the future

It is normal and something of nature to happen to anyone

It is not a miracle or the end of the world to anyone

People leave people to live with other people

When you experience this, just bear in mind that many people did experience this

Our parents, our grand parents and our leaders did experience this

When love ends, it is nothing comparing when life of someone you truly close to ends

You can restore love back into your life but you cannot restore back someone’s passing spirit

It is better to end love than to end your life 

It is better to part ways than to wait forever

It is better to follow your heart and to know what you want in life

It is better to look after yourself and wait for your turn when the time is right

It is better to be alone and control your space

It is better to choose and wait for someone you feel to be with in life than to choose the one you don’t 

It better to have a picture in mind and things you want from the person you want

When loves ends, it is better to say “Yes! I’m free”

When love ends, it is better to accept and don’t hold any grudges to anyone

No one owns anyone!

No one is far better than anyone!