When I get a car
I’ll spend most summer going out at night do not wonder where Iam at night
The sun gets to hot for a cool time drive just passing time.
The streets too busy for a slow down and appreciating of how far I’ve come.
At night in summer, windows rolled down
The peaceful streets and the beautiful breeze that greets my face, leaving my heart feeling warm and emotions calm.
A stroll down memory lane
So don’t wonder where I would be.
I would be with the stars
I will be with the wind
At night in summer, when I get a car.
Don’t wonder where Iam
For I won’t be any where for I will be everywhere
Down in the streets where people sleep only when they broke.
Uptown where nobody knows anybody, where streets are soo empty you could swear that there live ghosts.
When I get a car
I will leave at night in summer
Do not ask me where I’m going for you’ll ask”where I’m going” nd I’ll say nowhere.
With truth I would have spoken but you won’t get me
So know I’m out and I’m not going anywhere
I’m not going to a restaurant
I’m not going to see friends nor my family
I’m just going out.
Nd I have no destination.
When I get a car
I’ll be out at night in summer