What can I compare it to?
It feels like acid poured on a cloth.
How the acid erodes the cloth slowly and slowly
It eats you inside slowly and slowly.
The inner you, feels suffocated.
You feel like you’re trapped, in a house with no ventilation.
You hide your pain with a fake smile.
You avoid people asking you many questions
Because if you tell them your problems
They will just hear you talk
But they will not be listening.
Some, you avoid telling them
Because the voice in your head tells “you are just being a burden”
You pray for the wave to not catch up with you.
You then realise that it’s too late
The only thing that pounds in your head is voice
Telling you “kill yourself”
“I don’t want to see tomorrow”
“what if tomorrow becomes worse”
“what’s the point of being hopeful in a hopeless situation”
It is a sickness that is unnoticed
It eats you and kills you inside
It only gets noticed when you’ve taken your life.
It does not choose the rich from the poor
It does not choose the gender or race.
It does not choose the known from the unknown.
You sometimes don’t know how to feel
You feel something heavy from the inside
Something which suffocating your soul.
That’s how depression feels like
Depression is a mental illness like any other illness
Having depression is not seeking for attention
Depression is real.