What is purpose?

But a way to inspire and open the hearts of others? 

I think I’m called to serve two parts:

The younglings and elderly.

The younglings are fingerprints to the future

Much guidance is needed so they serve better purposes

Than consumption and vanity 

The elderly are the footsteps to our roots

Through which one can visit the purest way of being. 

Where our feet embed into the soil, 

Where our hands grasp each other for balance, 

Where our bodies are to serve community and not the mirrors facing us,

Where we looked and felt as good as our companions did. 

Nonetheless, the past isn’t the rod that forces its ideals on us, 

Only a hut in which one can seek refuge.

The future provides plenty of possibilities 

But don’t we know know that past and future aren’t that much different? 

Struggle continues,

the rules bend for the powerful and strangle the weak.

Extremes will remain the same, just revised

Have we considered the poor uprising? 

We must! for they will hold the power

and might misuse it like potbellied mayors in suits,

who once were boisterous comrades

everyone must be made aware of their power 

It’s not a matter of if they can use it but when they choose to.

they should be prepared to do the universe right 

Purpose is longevity

it may have different variations but it stretches beyond self and bellies.