I thank you,

Not simply because I’ve got everything.

I thank you,

When I felt like I am nothing

You are always there for me.

When everyone, I mean everyone

Left me, there you’re opening

Your warm arm as you embrace

That hug, which feels like home.

I thank you for not counting

My mistakes but made me

Realise not to give up.

You were there for me,

Waiting for me

With my imperfections,

I’ve felt your unconditional love.

Me, myself and I

Never felt the gap of loneliness.

When my very own loved ones

Turned against me, you just say

“Let it be”.

When my very own blood

Feel disgusted with me

Because I lack no diamond nor gold.

You were there for me,

Picked me up with tender.

I never felt lost

With you, on my side.

Instead I felt more confident in you.

You still love me,

When everyone is always

Finding me unfavorable.

You push me to do and become

Better and better daily.

Me, myself and I

We thank God.

He’s there for me,

He wipes my tears away

Tells me how I should be courageous

And to stand firm in his mighty power.

Love me like never before,

What will I be without you?

Where will I ran too,

If it’s not in your Shield,

Then I shouldn’t dwell

Because in your presence

I find me, myself and I again and again.