Whatever demons that are playing hide and sick in the depth of my soul, I invite God unto chase them away like he chased the enemies of David when he fled from King saul.
Whatever darkness that is sitting on my shoulders, triggering my blood pressure to hit the roof, I invite Jesus to shield me from harm or any weapon formed against me.
Whatever that I cannot control, that is out of my reach, that i cannot stretch my hand to grasb, that my heart finds it scary to chase, I will trust in the universe and relay on God’s plan, for he is my savior.
Whatever that the nearby inhabitants may think of me, conspire against me, I know that the lord has my back thus everything that they do or say behind my back is transparent. I don’t need to convince anyone that I’m good person and my words go without an apology.
Whatever that I cannot see, battles I’m fighting in the darkness, battles I’m not even aware of, I’m asking the almighty to intervene and fight for me, for he has the power to conquer anything in this world.