I see war in the spiritual realm 

The war between Silence against my voice

I’m going through things that needs to be voiced out

However, the more I want to talk about them the more they disappear from the mind

And the more I run out of words

Spirit of pretense out of my life!

Let me break Free!

I know someone must know the remedy for this and I know this story must touch someone deep.


Kungani kuthiwa indoda ayikhali?

This is what send my dear brothers to their early graves,

 They bottle up things and act strong in public,

But when the night comes they battle with their own minds and hearts.

Their souls begging them to bail them out of that tormented body and miserable life once and for all.


Surrounded by the right people to talk to,

 But their pride within walks high ahead and laugh more than every voice in room,

Wearing the most beautiful smile and sharing only the fake happy moments. A sad human with happy face, carrying a bleeding heart around with smiling face, it’s like digging your own grave to jump in when it’s finally done.


No one was born with a Machine heart

Regardless of gender, pain is pain

Emotions are of the same kind

It is only the physical appearance that differs

Let’s all voice out our Emotions so help reach us, because no matter how rich you are no amount of money can get you your peace of mind once you lose it.

The demons of Silence will forever whisper in your ears, “kill yourself and end this suffering”

Don’t do it, its a trap.

It might end your suffering but begins the other for your loved ones who will live thinking they failed you.