I know why you don’t want to let me go
Why I’m your Earth sky
I know why it’s hard to watch me grow
I know you’re afraid I’ll sway to the wrong side

You’re afraid your little daughter will hug someone else
When I turn to you, those would’ve depleted
You’re afraid someone else will better you, better your teachings
Teaching me how to be the woman I want to be

You know how fragile I am, so you’re scared I’m broken already
That your daughter is full of tape
“Since long she’s been gone” you think
But she’s still there, still here Mama

I’m sacred Mama if I go your heart will never take it
You promised if you ever let me go that will be your death
That’s why I choose to live life close to you

You’re the sunset I’m dancing close to
I’m the glass you you value more than life
I’m the batteries to your everyday fixed clock

I know why you don’t want to let go
Why I’m your Earth sky
I know why it’s hard to watch me grow
I know you’re afraid I’ll sway to the wrong side