What is the time?                                                     

How can you define time?         

Time is flexible, do you agree with me?

Time flies!

As if like it’s got wings

Like eagle soars up in the sky

Time is money!

As if like it owns silver and gold

Time is our new currency

Time waits, no man!

As if like it’s not patient for anyone

Time is passing by!

As if like it riding an automobile

Only time will tell!

As if like it acquaintance with future

Like astrologers foretelling the future

Time heals!

As if like it’s our practitioner

It’s about time! or it’s time!

As if like it ever ready for action

Until the convenient time!

As if like it’s, tolerates being procrastinated

There are so many ways to describe time

Time can be measured in different elements

Time can be measured in hours

Time can be measured in minutes

Time can be measured in seconds

Clocks can determine the time

Time can be determined by the setting of the sun

Time can be determined by the rising of the sun

First and second dawn can choose the time

Time can be measured in days,

Time can be measured in weeks,

Time can be measured in months,

Time can be measured in years,

Time can be measured from decades to centuries,

Time can be measured in Eons,

Time measures age!

Time can commemorate anniversaries.

Time can keep history.

Time controls everything, anything.

Time it’s everything.

Time it’s our life

Past, it can be time

Present, it can be time

Even future too, it can be time

Time can act in any role

Time can decide,

Time can judge,

Time can lecture,

Time sentences.

Time never late but punctual,

So, time wisely!

Don’t fall behind in time.

Respect the time,

Because it rules like a king

It’s a crime to steal the time

Manage your own time,

Because time is priceless.

This is all I can say about time!