I know your way is forward
Tick tock you sound every moment
But can’t you in antlockwise manner travel ?
That I cement the broken promises
Only a glimpse of her sight again i wish to see
How our long loves day could be
That I see again the fair tale of trees , mountain and lakes
The daffodils story on her cheeks when they wave the sea
The rythmm of birds songs
Chanting soft music
What the spring and autumn season could mean
Not forgetting the panted room of Michelangelo
What the pictures could tell
Let me see again how the moon could shine
How the bright sun at four could spread it’s happier ray over my face .
Time be again the gone past love
a second past love equal to million seconds past love
let me say again forever in a second
let me be lost again in sea of love
and see the beautiful love sea creatures in her
That a million years tells the heart to adore
yet their life span did end in merely little years
let me see the never ending north
nor the unending south of her perfection
That to the inner soul speaks to love her still while graves share our bones away .