It’s been long
Your souls were in my soul
Your voice were in my voice
Your blood were in my blood
I was one but inside i was many
Everything I did I did it with you
You were the guiden of my path
The light to my darkness
You gaved me strength when I’m weak
You never left me alone by myself
Where ever I go you were there
I was one but inside i was many
Thank you for everything
I couldn’t make it if it’s wasn’t for you
I don’t know what things would be without you
Yes … Lot has happened
You always stand by me
I’m greatful for that
I’m who I’m because you played a big role in my life
I’m wasn’t perfect I done good things
I have done bad things
I was always afraid to lose you
Because I always knew that one day we will be apart .
You were always teaching me
You are my masters thank you
It’s time now for me to take over
I will never forget you
You were my best friend
Life will be different without
But I’m promise I will make it much better, I promise to be happy
I don’t know if will be able to meet again but I’m grateful
Thank you for playing a good role
My imagination friend
So long ️
This poem is about imagination friends
I have experienced but that it’s a story for another day