I cannot find the perfect words,

One minute it all works,

The next we ask if it’s worth,

Worth all the fights,

Worth all the sleepless nights,

Worth the butterflies and smiles,

That later turns into madness and cries,

Was it fate?,

That happened not a minute too late,

Or a minute to early,

Was it the universe?,

Bringing together two souls that would be such a “perfect match”,

Not knowing that for a fact,

Whatever it may have been,

Or what it thought it could’ve seen,

In two flawed,imperfect yet perfect for each other souls,

I’m glad cause our love has grown,

Cause this person is the only person who makes my heart beat fast and slow at the same time,

When everything seems to be wrong she just makes it right,

She is my favourite notification,

In her I find motivation,

To carry on,

To stick around,

This person is different,

This time it’s different,

It may not be seen by others,

But that’s not anything for them to uncover,

I might be blinded by love and all its colours,

But the main purpose of love is not to see it but feel it.