WARNING: This piece contains descriptions of sexual abuse.


Her own father treated her like trash

Always calling her names

He abused her emotionally every chance he got

But she still forgave him and tried her best to right her wrongs

Cause she felt that she deserved it

Maybe she was doing something wrong in her father’s eyes but what?

She couldn’t understood

She tried her best to be a good child to her father but everything she did was wrong in his eyes

She used to make tea for him when he came from work and one day out of the blue he just called her a pig

He even had a problem with the fact that she became a born again

He had a problem with everything she did

Every time he argued with her he say “that child of yours one two three”

He even called a family meeting in her absence and lied to the family that she did one two three to him

He even touched her bum one day and said “I thought it was your mother”

He even forcefully opened the door of the room one day while she was naked

He is the reason why she is afraid of guys

He is the reason why she has depression and anxiety

She has lost herself and believed that nothing she does is good enough

He always insulted her calling her private parts

She even asked herself if this guy is really her biological father cause she has never seen her uncles treating her cousins like that

Because of him, she used to live in fear

And every time when someone tried to be nice to her she didn’t know how to react cause she believed that she deserved that

He used to hurt her and act like the victim

And now she feels nothing for him

But can he blame her?

He who has broken his own sweet little daughter

A daughter who had so much love and respect for him

A daughter who worshipped the ground he was walking on


For professional help and counselling call one of these numbers:

FAMSA (Families South Africa): 011 975 7106/7 or email national@famsa.org.za

SADAG Suicide Crisis Line: 0800 567 567

Childline: 116

Lifeline: 0861 322 322