I’m not a great, famous or powerful writer

I don’t use big and fancy words

I am the one who takes the simplest words

And turns it into something that can touch your heart

Something so special but unique

I don’t want to be famous or rich but I have one wish

And that is for my books to stay alive

Maybe no one will remember me when I’m gone

Maybe my books will die with me

And no one will know of the hard work I’ve put in

Just to turn this dream of mine into a reality

It’s only two books but it took a lot of hard work, blood, sweat and tears to make it possible

I sacrificed a lot of my time and lost a lot of sleep

Writing both of my books

These books are personal and very unique

You have to read them to understand why I say they are personal

My books are personal cause I don’t look around me

To find something to write about

I don’t look to others to find something to write about

I look at myself, my heart, my soul, my dreams, my fears

I don’t read to find something to write about

I listen to the beat of my heart

Yeah I listen to the magical voice from within

The silent whisper of my heart

I look and search within me to find my inspiration

To find something to write about

In my dreams and in my visions

Sometimes I dream and get visions about things

I can write about

Everything I write about comes from within

It wasn’t easy but I know it was worth it

Maybe no one will ever appreciate my work

Maybe I’ll never get awarded for my hard work

Maybe I’ll never get the recognition I deserve

Maybe I’ll never eat the fruits of my hard work

Maybe I’ll die a silent and lonely death

Maybe I’ll die as the unknown writer

Maybe the words of my pen will vanish into thin air

But even in my grave my pen will continue bleeding

Bleeding on a invisible paper

And the angels of heaven will read those golden words